
Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association

The December meeting of Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association was held at the Crawfordsville Public Library on Dec. 12. President Kim Nixon welcomed guests and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Deb Howard gave the invocation. A delicious meal of chicken and noodles, green beans, pretzel salad and Peach dessert was served by Trish Schwabe.

The members were entertained by the Crescendos directed by Marsha Smith. Marsha introduced several new members and the pianist Bill Stockwell. Marsha has been directing the group for several decades and the members of MCRTA look forward to the concert every year. The group started with “We Need a Little Christmas,” “Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” “Breath of God” and ended with “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas.” It was a beautiful concert.

President Kim Nixon began the business meeting with recognizing birthdays of the month and told some very funny jokes. The minutes and treasurers’ reports were approved. The member concerns Chair, Mary Lefebvre passed around Christmas cards to be sent out to members who could not attend the meeting. Nancy Bowes asked that members turn in their volunteer hours before the end of the month. These hours are very important and are given to the state legislators every year to show how important we are in the community. Hours need to be divided into service to youth and service to adults. President Nixon asked that all members check the email on file so that Susie Minch can send out information when needed. A thank you letter was read from the Youth Service Bureau to thanks the group for the donation given to them this year. The money will be used in services for youth. Membership Chair, Kathy Steele, reported that we had 117 members. Amba representative reported that a new dental program will be available starting in January that includes new dental services. The were no reports from Auditing, Constitution and By-laws, Necrology, or Legislature committees.

President Kim Nixon challenged all members to bring a guest to a meeting starting in February. The guest need not be a recently retired teacher and consider giving the guest transportation. Kim thanked Deb Howard and Linda Sabol for the decoration, Trish Schwabe for the delicious meal and the Crescendos for the beautiful concert. The meeting was adjourned and door prizes were awarded.