
Local Author Transforms Work Into Book

Over the last 14 years Crawfordsville resident and local author David Michel has been researching and developing material. His efforts resulted in a 192-page book, The Transformed Mind.

Michel’s work involved 52 sets of positive affirmations to help the reader develop character attributes that are found in the New Testament. Those positive affirmations correspond to 52 character attributes found in the New Testament. The material can be used in family devotional times and in personal study for growth in Christlikeness. Positive affirmations are written in such a way as to help one transform their subconscious mind with statements from the Bible and thus change their behavior. The book includes a definition of each of the characteristics derived from the meaning of the Greek word used in the New Testament. Also included are several Bible verses that show each characteristic to be one that Jesus wants us to model.

The Transformed Mind contains a summary of world religions. In order to know how Christianity is different from all other world religions, a summary of how each world religion was founded, what they believe and what they practice is included. This is followed by an explanation of how Christianity is different from all the other religions of the world.

A third section of the book contains various views held on the meaning of life from ancient times to the present. This is followed by an interactive Gospel presentation that may be copied and used in teaching others.

The book is self-published and is available by mail by sending a check for $15 (this includes $5 for postage) made out to David Michel and sent to his address: 48 Copperleaf Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933.  Or it can be purchased at this address for $10.

Michel and his wife have four children and eight grandchildren. He has served as a Deacon and an Elder at his church in Fort Wayne before moving to Crawfordsville eight years ago.