
Crawfordsville Kiwanis Seeks Help For Local Child

The Crawfordsville Kiwanis is asking for your help in supporting a little boy in our community named Georgie. Georgie is 3 years old and has autism, which makes it difficult for him to communicate properly with his Mom or his teachers at school. However, with the help of a communication tablet, he has been able to make great strides in expressing himself and engaging with the world around him.

Georgie is like most 3 yr. old boys and loves watching cartoons, bath time, riding in his wagon, and squish mellows. Most importantly though, Georgie would like to be able to communicate with his Mom and the therapist he works with.

The Crawfordsville Kiwanis Club has decided to raise funds to purchase Georgie his own tablet so that he can continue to make progress in his communication skills both at home and at school. The device is quite expensive, and we need your help to make this a reality for Georgie.

Please consider donating to support Georgie’s communication tablet. Every little bit helps, and together we can make a big difference in his life. You can donate by sending a check to Crawfordsville Kiwanis, PO Box 611, Crawfordsville, IN, 47933 or by contacting us at [email protected]

One more thing, any monies raised over the amount needed for Georgie will be used to help other children in our area who need Adaptive Equipment.