
Daily Almanac: July 19, 2023


RISE: 6:33 a.m.
SET: 9:14 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures:

HIGH: 85 °F
LOW: 67 °F

Today is…:

• National Daiquiri Day
• National Hot Dog Day
• New Friends Day

What Happened On This Day:

1900 Paris Metro opens. One of the densest metros in the world and the second largest metro in Europe, the first line of the Paris Metro opened during the World’s Fair.
1870 Franco-Prussian War starts. The war involving France, under Napoleon and the Kingdom of Prussia began with French declaration of war. The war lasted for 9 months and ended with a German victory.
1848 Seneca Falls Convention begins. One of the first women’s rights convention to be held in American history, the two-day convention attracted 300 women and men who protested the social, economic, and political discrimination American women faced.

Births On This Day:

• 1921 Harold Camping

American broadcaster, author

• 1814 Samuel Colt

American inventor, industrialist, founded the Colt’s Manufacturing Company

Deaths On This Day:

• 2002 Alan Lomax

American historian, author, scholar
• 1374

Italian scholar, poet