
Winning Golf Team Lead By 3 Strokes

Our Senior Golfers hit the links this past week and enjoyed a less hot but still as muggy climate.

The humidity seemed to agree with our leading team of Jim Long, Greg Clossen, Joe Noble and Jack Foos as they scored twelve-under-par and commanded a lead of three strokes over the second place team of Herald Mennen, Gerry Moore, John Lewis and Bill Combs, who managed a score of nine-under-par. The third place team of Vance Pyle, Les Cardy, Cliff Lunsford and Joe Irvin only trailed behind second by one stroke with a score of eight-under-par.

Dick VanArsdel and Bill Boone won proxys on holes five and thirteen, respectively. Longest drive, of someone 80 years old or older, went to Boone.

Here’s to hoping that the rainy weather this upcoming week does not hinder our Senior Golfers.