
Regular School Board Meeting North Montgomery Schools

480 W 580 N


1, Work Session – 4 .e,,m.

1.1 Budget 2023-2024 Discussion

1.2 Review of School Strategic Plans

2. Call to Order

2.1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

3. Public Comment

3.1 Public Comment

3.2 Public Testimony Relating to Teacher Compensation and Collective Bargaining

4. Consent A,ienda

4.1 Minutes

4.2 Monthly Claims

4.3 Personnel, Extra-Curricular, Field Trips, Facilities Usage, Contributions, Gifts, Superintendent Stipends

4.4 Other

4.5 Consent Vote

5. Action Items

5.1 Approve Walking Paths from the Foxes Run Subdivision to the Middle School and High School

5.2 Approve Middle School and Elementary Student and Staff Handbooks

5.3 Approve Chemistry 2 Material for the High School

5.4 Hear Second Reading and Approval of Policies 1425 – Nursing Mothers, Policy 3425 – Nursing Mothers and 4425 – Nursing Mothers

5.5 Approve Revisions to Policies: 1521 – Personal Background Checks, References, and Mandatory reporting, 2221 – Mandatory Curriculum, 2414 – Reproductive Health and Family Planning and Human Sexuality lnstruct1on, 2416 – Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information, 2510 – Adoption of Curricular Materials, 2520 – Selection of Materials, Library Materials and Equipment, 3120.02 – Adjunct Teachers, 3121 – Personal Background checks, References, and Mandatory Reporting, 3220.01 – Teacher Appreciation Grants, 4121 – Personal Background Checks, References, and Mandatory Reporting, 5710 – Student Complaints, 5720 – Student Activism, 6152 – Student Fees and Charges, 9130 – Public Complaints and Concerns, 9700 – Relations with Special Interest Groups

5.6 Approval of Adding Replacement Cost Coverage for Buses 10 years and Newer to Existing lnsurance Plan

5.7 Approve the Special Education and CTE Agreements for 2023-2024

6. Executive Session to immediately Follow Regular Board Meeting.

6.1 Where Authorized by federal or state statute. IC 5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) (1)

7. Other

8. Adjournment

8.1 Adjourn