
Camcar Workers Eligible For Trade Adjustment Benefits

On Jan. 21, 2022, Camcar LLC in Rochester became eligible to apply for benefits and services through the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program.

TAA is administered by the U.S. Department of Labor through the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and assists workers who have lost their jobs due to foreign trade. Any worker laid off from Camcar, a manufacturer of nuts, bolts and screws, on or after March 10, 2020, or any worker scheduled to be laid off before Jan. 21, 2024, may be eligible to apply for TAA benefits.

TAA services and benefits include:

Training—pays 100% of all required training costs

Income support—up to 130 weeks of income-support payments

Job-search and relocation allowances—reimbursement of 90% of allowable costs to travel to a job-search activity or relocation for new employment

Wage subsidy—for workers age 50 and older up to $10,000

Health care tax credit—IRS tax credit of 72.5% of qualifying monthly health care premiums

For more information about the TAA program, please visit: or 317-914-7323 or email [email protected].

About the Indiana Department of Workforce Development

DWD serves the worker and the employer to ensure workplace success. DWD is committed to innovating and invigorating Indiana’s economic future by providing WorkOne Career Centers, Unemployment Insurance, Labor Market Information, Regional Workforce Strategies and Professional Training. Through these services, DWD is able to develop a premier workforce that enables Indiana employers to flourish and entices businesses from outside our state to relocate to Indiana.