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The Paper of Montgomery County

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Selling Ben-Hur: The Novel, Marketing, and Material Culture

The General Lew Wallace Study & Museum is pleased to announce the opening of our...

Professional Panel Weighs In On New Reproductive Health Laws At Crawfordsville Forum

In the early summer of 2022, the Supreme Court of the United Sates in the...

Montgomery County Lawmakers Support Bill To Expand Work-Based Learning

The Indiana House of Representatives recently advanced legislation supported by Montgomery County legislators that would...

Your Library and You

The public library is a repository of knowledge, freely available to everyone. At the Crawfordsville...

Aaron Vancleave – Saga #2

Aaron Vancleave as was noted in the first Vancleave Saga and I share birthdays, ten...

Joyce Lee Bever

March 13, 2023 - Feb. 16, 1938 Joyce Lee Bever passed away on Monday, March...

Sen. Buchanan Welcomes Local Students To Statehouse

State Sen. Brian Buchanan (R-Lebanon) welcomed the following local students to the Statehouse who served...

Noted Psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge to Speak on March 22

The President’s Distinguished Speaker Series (PDSS) at Wabash College is pleased to present Dr. Jean...

Bank President Offers Reassurance

Dear Editor, It is no secret that FDIC closed 2 banks in the past couple...

Training Up a Trustworthy Police Force

Sheriff Ryan Needham had at least one hypothesis about why he received so few applications...