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The Paper of Montgomery County

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Trooper’s Revenge

By: John “Butch” Dale Did you ever do something really stupid when you were young?...



Brain Trust

By: Dick Wolfsie I love to walk up and down the bookstore aisles occasionally removing...

Thousands Of Hoosier Kids Missed Between 10 And 18 Days Of School Last Year, Per New Data

By: Casey Smith About 40% of Hoosier students missed 10 or more school days last...

Celebrating 100 Seasons Of Purdue Football At Ross-Ade Stadium Part 3

By: Kenny Thompson The 1940s for Purdue football was a roller-coaster ride that saw the...

Updates From Our Masonic Temple

Working Together, We Can Renovate This Building For The Whole Community. Your support continues to...

Are All Ultra-Processed Foods Unhealthy?

By: Monica Nagele In recent years, ultra-processed foods (UPFs) have gained notoriety in nutrition. Although...



Growing More Food On Less Land

Dear EarthTalk: What are some ways to grow more food on less land given that...

Indiana Gubernatorial Candidate Eric Doden Speaks Out Against IEDC’s LEAP District Pipeline Plan

By: Casey Smith Republican gubernatorial candidate Eric Doden said he’s “deeply concerned” about a major...