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Rural communities could benefit from water, broadband infrastructure funding
By Johnathan Hladik Policy director, Center for Rural Affairs The newly-passed infrastructure package approved by...
Ask Rusty – Why is my Medicare Part B premium so high?
By Russell Gloor Dear Rusty: Social Security is deducting $297 per month for my Medicare Part...
Daily Almanac: Nov. 13, 2021
Sunrise/Sunset RISE: 7:31 a.m. SET: 5:33 p.m. High/Low Temperatures High: 38 °F Low: 34 °F...
Three cybersecurity tips to protect yourself
Social engineering usually involves a phishing attack, where cybercriminals send emails that look legitimate to...
Long term care crisis impacts elders who need special care
By John Grimaldi Modern medicine is helping America’s elders live longer, healthier lives. But a...
A Christmas Story, The Musical brings a major award to Myers Dinner Theatre patrons for the holidays!
The Parkers (Samantha Bagdon and Thomas J. Besler) discuss the infamous Leg Lamp, in one...
Former State Senator John Ruckelshaus joins Indiana State Medical Association
Former Indiana State Senator John Ruckelshaus has joined the Indiana State Medical Association (ISMA) as...