Butch’s Column

Read Insightful Articles From Butch Dale’s Column

Coal Creek Bearcat Outstanding Athlete
One of the top players to sport a Bearcat uniform in the 1960s was Lee...

Butch Survived 2021 and a Few Mishaps
Well folks, I made it through another year. Sadly, some people didn't. I lost another...

Feeling down in a senior slump? Me too!
When I reached my 50th birthday, I tried to deny that it represented a turning...

Butch recalls the greatest basketball shot ever made
OK, all of you basketball fans . . . what is the greatest shot that...

Coach Cliff Davis left impressive legacy
Cliff Davis One of the most respected coaches in Montgomery County basketball history was Cliff...

Butch survived his Mom’s cold remedies
"Well, young man, that's what you get for playing outside in the snow with no...

Butch remembers “the County Tourney”
In the fall of 1931 the principals and coaches of the small county schools instituted...