Butch Dale
Butch Recalls Teaching A Great Group of Kids
After I had returned to Purdue and earned my teacher’s license, I began teaching at Darlington in the fall of 1972. I had been a student there all 12 years,…
Read MoreButch Says We Need Johnny and Rodney Back Again
My wife and I watched several TV comedy shows in the good ol’ days … shows such as The Andy Griffith Show, the Carol Burnett Show and Laugh-In, just…
Read MoreJobs That Are Enjoyable . . . and Jobs That Are Not!!
For many people, work is about making enough money to make ends meet, having a little extra to spend for fun activities and perhaps saving for the future. But…
Read MoreButch Catches Corvette Fever!
The first car that my parents owned was a pale green late 1940s Pontiac with a chrome Indian hood ornament. Could there actually be an uglier car? Yes! Dad purchased…
Read MoreButch and His Brother Take a Trip to Town
Many of you regular readers know that when my brother Gary and I were young, we often tagged along with our father when he went to town. He usually took…
Read MoreButch Says to Prepare for Round Two
The primaries are over. Be thankful. But as the November election approaches, prepare for round two. Let us pray, “Dear Lord, give us the strength to bear that which is…
Read MoreButch . . . the Lawn Mowing Expert!!!
How is an 11-year-old farm boy going to earn money? That was the question I was faced with in 1959. Sure, I helped Mom and Dad on the farm doing…
Read MoreButch Remembers the Rookie Cop . . .
Here’s another incident I’ll never forget . . . As I came on duty one summer evening, the dispatcher advised me to check the location and status of an Indiana…
Read MoreThe Best Gifts at Christmas
By : Butch Dale Do you remember the best gifts you received for Christmas when you were a youngster? Perhaps it was that new Schwinn bicycle…maybe a Red Ryder…
Read MoreA Few Thoughts From Butch On His Birthday…
By: John “Butch” Dale I turned 75 years old today. Yes, three quarters of a century. Very difficult to fathom. Wasn’t it just a few months ago that I was…
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