Dick Wolfsie
Cheap Thrills
The dollar store as we knew it is gone. Oh, it’s still there. I can see the helium balloons from the street—hugging the ceiling, beckoning me to enter. But don’t…
Read MoreWhat’s Cooking?
Mary Ellen and I were in the middle of spring cleaning (we do it every three or four years) when I found a book in the back of the storage…
Read MoreFocus On Carl
I lost a friend and colleague this week. I visited Carl Finchum the day before he passed. The bond between a photographer and a reporter is like a marriage, with…
Read MoreStamping Down On Junk Mail
Do you get junk in the mail? Of course you do: we all do. And I am getting a little tired of it. I can screen my phone calls for…
Read MoreSilent Partner
As a wordsmith, I love reading the history behind common phrases. Here’s one that has a Hoosier origin. You might think I made this up (and you’d be correct). Despite…
Read MoreA Column About Column A
I do a lot of dumb things. But I have no regrets, because these missteps often end up as an inspiration for one of my columns. I do not do…
Read MoreHigh On Humor
Over the years, several of my sports heroes have had their careers tarnished following allegations they were using performance-improvement drugs. During the recent Olympics, several athletes were similarly accused. As…
Read MoreThe Last Time I Saw Harris
I almost deleted the e-mail, thinking it was spam, but lately I have nothing else to do, so I read everything. I didn’t recognize the sender’s address but I clicked…
Read MoreLip Smacking Column
Valentine’s Day stresses me out. I never know what to buy for my wife. The worst part is looking for the perfect card. I’ve lurked on the holiday aisle at…
Read MoreYou Have My Back
I’m a lucky guy. I have three great physical therapists. They treat me well from my top to my bottom. Literally. And I have a fine orthopedic surgeon. They are…
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