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You My Not Have Heard These Stories
In A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf wrote“For most of history, Anonymous was a...

For Women’s History Month midwifery then and now
Happy Women’s History Month! We turn to one of the oldest professions for women, relevant...

Butch Remembers the Rookie Cop . . .
Here's another incident I'll never forget . . . As I came on duty one...

Once upon a time in this country . . .
Once upon a time in this country, men were men. Women were women. And that...

The Best Gifts at Christmas
By : Butch Dale Do you remember the best gifts you received for Christmas...

2023 Hyundai Ioniq 6 Electric Sedan Keeps EVS Interesting
By Casey Williams If you asked me which automaker makes the most interesting electric vehicles,...

Celebrating Halloween In Other Ways
By: Carrie Classon I have always loved Halloween, and I love it now more than...