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Montgomery Medicine No. 795
New Medical Technologies Emerging medical technologies are transforming the way we diagnose, treat, and prevent...

Assists Record Should Fall Tonight For Former Westfield Star Braden Smith
Barring the unexpected, yet another rewrite to the Purdue men’s basketball record book will take...

Enduring Legacy of Andrew and Jasmine Robinson: Part 2
In our final Black History Month installment, we celebrate Jasmine Robinson, the first black woman...

Butch Says Don’t Use Those Old Time Remedies!
In an earlier column, I listed a few of the "home remedies" my folks...

Will Odom Raise Purdue’s Batting Average on Recent Hires to .500?
Remember when Darrell Hazell was a home run hire for the Purdue football program? “Hazell...

Why’s Social Security Moved to General Fund?
Ask Rusty – Why was Social Security money moved to the General Treasury? Dear Rusty:...

Butch Names Our County’s Greatest Basketball Superstar
In 1975, I wrote a book entitled, "The Golden Era of Montgomery County Basketball--1947-1971."...

Shame On Our Government
The good governor of our great state campaigned on a number of issues, but the...