
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper

Columnist - Butch Dale

A Once in a Lifetime Golfing Day

As I mentioned in a column that I wrote last year, I started playing golf...
Columnist - Butch Dale

Butch Says Kids Need Some Freedom

Recently I spoke on the phone with a former classmate of mine who I had...

Famous Prosecutor Back At It

I used to be a big boxing fan. Even tried the sport for a short...

Not A Pun: SUN Wants To Help You Go Solar

Nearly a third of all homes in Montgomery County were built before 1929, rivaling Webster...

Bubba Meets AI

“We’re doomed, Timmons!” It was the first thing I heard when I picked up the...

A Black History Month Round-Up for Nerds

If the algorithm were benevolent, it would post those friends of ours who enrich the...
Columnist - Ask Rusty

Ask Rusty – About “Survivor” Benefits Vs. “Spousal” Benefits

Dear Rusty: I will be 70 in August and will file my application for benefits...
COLUMNIST-DeAntha Wright-Thornburg

Do Our County Politicians Have Our Best Interest In Mind

Once again, the contentious subject of Shelly Ditch is about to flood our community’s print...

Latest Updates From Sen. Spencer Deery

BMV Kiosk Opening at West Lafayette Meijer The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) announced...
Columnist - Butch Dale

My Third Grade Teacher Was The Tops !!!!

I was very fortunate to have many outstanding teachers when I attended Darlington school, and...