
Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper

A Roundup of Reviews
With the election weeks away, it’s time to make sure you’re registered to vote, to...

Jobs That Are Enjoyable . . . and Jobs That Are Not!!
For many people, work is about making enough money to make ends meet, having...

Ask Rusty – I was Self-Employed and Don’t Have Enough Credits for Social Security
Dear Rusty: For a thirty-year period, I was making a living as an independent contractor...

Karen Gives Rave Review to Joy’s Book
By: Karen Zach Bit of a twist on my column this week. Hope you enjoy! ...

Butch Catches Corvette Fever!
The first car that my parents owned was a pale green late 1940s Pontiac with...

Butch and His Brother Take a Trip to Town
Many of you regular readers know that when my brother Gary and I were young,...

Fallout Over Olympics and Diverse Lifestyles
Like a lot of people, I was outraged at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics....

Butch Says to Prepare for Round Two
The primaries are over. Be thankful. But as the November election approaches, prepare for round...