Tim Timmons
Day Five From The Manger In Bethlehem
As our trip reached its penultimate day, we are finally getting to the major sites in the life of Jesus Christ. Today began with a trip to the Mount of…
Read MoreDay Four Unlike Any Thanksgiving Before
Thursday marked the most untraditional of Thanksgivings. But what a day to be thankful for. Our first stop after leaving the Dead Sea was Masada. If you don’t know the…
Read MoreBaptisms in Jordan and Decapolis – Day Four
Wednesday was more or less a travel day. We left Tiberias early in the morning with a scheduled stop at the “River” Jordan. River is the key word, or actually,…
Read MoreOn a Rock and Under a House – Day Three
Shalom from Hermon Mount, the site we know from Matthew where Jesus said, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades…
Read MoreHoly Land Pilgrimage Off to Good Start
The biggest thing I’m being asked is what’s our first impression of the Holy Land. Four words. Jet. Lag. Is. Real. The time difference is seven hours, so when we…
Read MoreLots Of Questions, But Where Are Answers?
We’re leaving for the Holy Land and I’m wondering not only what we’ll find there, but what are we leaving behind. I have never been a gloom and doom kind…
Read MoreThe Pilgrimage To The Holy Land Begins . . .
Like a lot of you, I’m a mutt. My ancestors came from all over, but the majority came from the land of shamrocks and leprechauns, Ireland. So it was that…
Read MoreGoing from bad to worse to . . .
When it comes to health, I have always considered myself a lucky guy. When I tell my family that, they roll their eyes and ask if I’d forgotten that my…
Read MoreSpirit & Place – Powerful Conversations On Race
Are you familiar with Spirit & Place Festival? We had an article previewing it in our Sunday edition. If you are not, let me be clear. I believe this is…
Read MoreState GOP Facing Challenges Of Own Making
Ok Class, here’s today’s test. Who is Daniel E. Kelly? Googling is not allowed. Anyone? OK, here’s a hint. Mr. Kelly is connected to Dr. Brewster M. Higley. It’s OK,…
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