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Tommy Smillie Completes Library Program For Twice!
Tommy Smillie, age 3, has completed the Crawfordsville District Public Library program "1000 Books Before...
SUV Crossover And Motorcycle Crash Results In Fatality
Montgomery County Communications Center began receiving calls of a personal injury accident that occurred at...
Frances Wooden Park Dedication Set For September 30
A dedication of the newly-renovated Frances Wooden Park will be held on Saturday, September 30...
Daily Almanac: September 21, 2023
Sunrise/Sunset: RISE: 7:32 a.m.SET: 7:48 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 84 °FLOW: 60 °F Today is…:...
Question, Persuade, Refer Training During Suicide Prevention Month
Sara Clapp kicks off the program by demonstrating relationship-building. Sara Clapp dispels some myths relating...
Waveland Strong’s Fall Family Fest
Waveland Strong will be hosting their Fall Family Fest on October 14 at the Waveland...
Board Of Public Works And Public Safety Meeting Agenda
September 20 at 10 a.m. I. Approval of the minutes from September 13, 2023. II....
Please Consider Being An Organ Donor
Dear Editor, Do you have a heart on your driver’s license? Then you’re among 4.3...