Daily Almanac: July 24, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset:RISE: 6:37 a.m.SET: 9:11 p.m. High/Low Temperatures:HIGH: 88 °FLOW: 63 °F Today is…:• Amelia Earhart Day• National Drive-Thru Day• National Tequila Day What Happened On This Day:• 1977 The 4-day…

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Eco-Friendly AC Units

Dear EarthTalk: With summer bearing down on us, are there any environmentally friendly air conditioners out there? Air conditioners are essential for keeping us cool and comfortable during hot summer…

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Sen. Young Bolts From Trump

By BRIAN A. HOWEY “Where do I begin?” That was U.S. Sen. Todd Young’s response to a Capitol Hill reporter’s question after he became the first current elected Hoosier Republican…

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Daily Almanac: April 28, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset RISE: 6:46 a.m.SET: 8:36 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 62 °FLOW: 50 °F Today is… • National Arbor Day• National Blueberry Pie Day• National Superhero Day What Happened On This…

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