From Karen . . .

Ahhh, those Christmases past! Do you have special ones? I sure do!
Overall memories, too, like when my dad was the rural mail carrier at Waveland and we’d have the table completely full of homemade gifts (Mitchell’s cherry pie the best ever every holiday), the year our son didn’t believe and one of the greatest Santa’s ever (Fred Z) came to our house, called him by name, had a special present to put on the tree (with his wife’s initials PZ on the back as she had made the ceramic Christmas tree – always thought that was funny but son didn’t notice) and talked to him then when Santa left he had parked on a small hill by our house on the dirt road and he had one of his tail lights out – easily seen as Rudolph leading the way, so Jay believed one more year.
Loved watching them play with their toys and they learned to share so well with just the two of ’em.
Going to my grandmother’s for the most wonderful Italian (and she had the turkey, dressing, ham, potatoes etc. as the more traditional meal, as well) dinner.
When I was young the neatest Christmas I remember was the year my brothers actually kept a present secret (and it was way up in their closet too) — they’d tell me – oh, it’s big, or you’re gonna’ love this! Finally, it was Christmas Day and I got to see my gonna’-love-it-big-present and boy, did I. Slept with my Teddy Bear bigger than me for years (a friend, thanks Sandy, revamped him and I gave it to my granddaughter on I think her 10th birthday as that’s when I got it for that 10th year – he’s 62 years old now).
How many of you have had a Christmas Card with a family photo on it? We had one almost every year when I was a kiddo.
Well, there are just so many other memories, such as Midnight Mass, so sleepy and tired, yet so awed at the beauty and the meaning.
Do want to encourage you to sit down and write not only about your Christmases but about your life – let those kids, grands, nieces, nephews, and even your friends enjoy your life a bit!
Now, regarding this article, my readers will think – is this it? All Karen’s saying – shortest thing she’s ever written, but alas, I’ll leave you with this . . . Merry Christmas and hoping 2022 will be a great year!!