
Crawfordsville Chamber Of Commerce To Host Marketing Luncheon/Workshop

The Crawfordsville/Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Luncheon / Workshop on Monday, April 10, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 3rd floor of Fusion 54, 101 W. Main S. in Crawfordsville.

The event will feature guest speaker Nichole Marchand of Townsquare Media, who will teach local businesses how to position their business. Having a good SEO is crucial to the success of any business’s marketing strategy. This event aims to give businesses a bird’s eye view of how to implement these systems and achieve their goal as a result.

The event, sponsored by Townsquare Media, will include a light lunch. The marketing luncheon is open to the public. The cost is $15 for non-chamber members and no cost for Crawfordsville \ Montgomery County Chamber members. Lunch will be catered by Maxine’s on Green.

Space is limited, so please register to attend online at by Friday, April 7. For more information regarding the luncheon or the chamber, please contact Stacy Sommer at [email protected].