
The Healing Power Of Rhythm And Sound

By Catherine Beck

Dusk to Dawn Bereavement Services announces its next monthly learning series event on Wednesday, July 12th at noon in the Christ Lutheran Church sanctuary. The session, titled The Healing Power of Rhythm and Sound, is presented by Jai Miranda, a professional musician, sound healing practitioner, and certified grief coach. “I like to call sound healing a modern-day practice with ancient roots”, said Miranda, referring to the origins of sound therapy in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Throughout history, humans have used sound and rhythm to communicate, celebrate, play, remember, and heal. Miranda notes that a growing body of research is demonstrating that drumming, toning, and other sound therapies help reduce stress and anxiety, improve circulation and immune function, and balance the body’s energy systems. When we bring the body into rest, it can begin to heal, and this deep relaxation can support healthy grieving.

Jai will discuss and demonstrate a variety of healing instruments including drums, singing bowls, specially tuned pipes, and other special instruments. They will also share recent research findings about how sound healing supports general wellbeing and talk about how drumming and sound healing can play a part in healing grief. The Learning Series event will conclude with a group activity for those who want to experience the instruments directly. No experience is necessary.

Learn more and register at or email [email protected] to reserve your space.

-Catherine Beck is a Dusk to Dawn Bereavement Services staff member. Learn more about this non-profit association at