MCCF Grant Supports Veterans Memorial Park

This week we had the honor of presenting a $12,000 grant to the Veterans Memorial Park organization. This group is developing the Veterans Memorial Park south of the Byron Cox American Legion Post on South Washington Street, Crawfordsville. If you drive by, you may notice that a great deal of concrete work is taking place. The centerpiece of the park will feature monuments, the American flag and the Indiana State flag, along with flags representing each branch of the US military. On the outer corners of the park, various military vehicles and equipment will be displayed, including a 1969 Huey helicopter. With an estimated budget of $151,400, donations are welcome. To make a contribution to the Veterans Memorial Park, one may mail a check made out to Veterans Memorial Park to P.O. Box 804, Crawfordsville, IN 47933.
The grant was made possible by the DeVon W. and Mary Jane Flaningam Fund. A World War II veteran, DeVon served in the Army Air Corps from 1941-76, when he retired from the Air Force Reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was a 1934 Darlington High School graduate, a 1940 Wabash College graduate, and a 1954 Indiana University School of Law graduate. Mary Jane taught high school home economics and business classes. She established this fund through a bequest. The Flaningam Fund provides support to Montgomery County veterans and their families, the Boys & Girls Club, and the Youth Service Bureau.