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The Paper of Montgomery County

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Carnegie Museum To Open New Exhibit Celebrating 200 Years Of Montgomery County History

The Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County is pleased to announce the opening of the display...

Butch Flunks Home Repair And Laundry

I know several fellows who have a natural talent for repairing just about anything, whether...

Lyme Disease

Warmer weather means we have to start thinking about ticks and Lyme Disease. Most people...

The Joy of Messy Things

My adolescence was a disaster. I lived with an alcoholic grandfather and a grandmother whose...

2022 Kia Niro EV Doesn’t Care About Gas Prices, Long Commutes

2021 Niro EV 2022 Niro EV 2022 Niro EV 2022 Niro EV 2022 Niro EV...

Verne Knows

Verne knows me too well. For the first time in our lives, my husband, Peter,...

Every Teacher You Know . . . .

"Every teacher you know has thought about it. Every teacher you know has a plan...





