Butch’s Column

Read Insightful Articles From Butch Dale’s Column

Butch’s Daughter Is Still His “Little Girl”
My wife and I recently attended dance recitals for two of our granddaughters. Ava is...

Butch Meets A Person Who Had No Conscience
The recent killing of those children and a teacher in Texas was an incomprehensible, senseless...

Butch Says To Make Sure Your Kids Read
As I mentioned in an earlier column, nearly one in five high school graduates cannot...

Butch Flunks Home Repair And Laundry
I know several fellows who have a natural talent for repairing just about anything, whether...

Butch Asks…Do You Recognize These Job Titles?
Most of you folks know that there are many job opportunities out there today. During...

Butch’s High School Graduation…56 Years Ago
One of our grandsons graduated from high school this past Friday. He attended Mt. Vernon...

Butch Recalls The Tradition Of “Senior Cords”
If you went to school in Indiana during the 1950s and 1960s, you likely participated...