Butch’s Column

Read Insightful Articles From Butch Dale’s Column

Homeschooling vs. Public School . . . Success Or Failure?
As a librarian for the past 33 years, I have had the opportunity to help...

Butch Remembers the Guy That Got Off Easy
(NOTE: The names used in this article are not the real names.) Each night on...

Butch Visits The Lafayette Wal-Mart
My wife and shopped at the Wal-Mart on State Road 26 East in Lafayette a...

School Days In The Early 1900s…What A Difference!
In 1988 I interviewed Thelma Cook Warren, who graduated from Darlington High School in 1918....

Butch’s Family Station Wagon Goes Airborne
When you first received your driver's license, did you do anything really stupid? Come on...admit...

Fun Times At School In The Early 1960s
(Note: The following was written by Connie Pickering Carpenter, who graduated from Darlington H.S. in...

Butch’s Brother Had A Crush On Trudy!
When a school has plenty of spirit, it also has great cheerleaders, and Darlington was...

Butch Says Sometimes You Only Get One Chance
What will this year bring? No one knows for sure. We can’t predict the future....