The History of Childcare and How It Affects Montgomery County
Tied to a board and put on a human back, laid in a box, locked in a parked car, left to run the docks with a warning “to stay away…
Read MoreVoting Is an Act of Trust and A Blow Against Bias
The May primary is here and if national and local trends predict anything, too few people eligible to vote will go to the polls, especially to the primaries in non-Presidential…
Read MoreVoting in Primaries 101 – No Straight Tickets and How to Vote for A Trustee
Polls are open in Montgomery County for early voting, and once again it’s time to educate ourselves about voting in the primaries and choosing among the candidates. First a quick…
Read MoreEverybody Wants to Belong
Everyone wants to belong, and after two years of the pandemic, HUE (Humans United for Equality) plans to bring together the community with the Celebration of Unity after a two-year…
Read MoreThe Earth Is What We All Have In Common
On one of those rare, warm and sunny afternoons in mid-March a small group of people stood in a circle peering intently down at the ground. At the center of…
Read MoreUntold Stories Of Local Heroes
Do you remember being in school and lamenting that history is so boring? While we were all looking for it to come to life, for someone to rediscover a local…
Read MoreScience Fairs, School Buses, Brains And The Future
Who says a science fair project can’t change the world? When middle-schooler Holly Thorpe tested carbon dioxide fumes in Miami-Dade school buses, she found the rates were ten times higher…
Read MoreDeveloping Humans, Not Human Capital
It’s six am, your shift starts in an hour, and your one-year-old has a fever. You scroll through your contacts wondering who can watch your baby. Why, you wonder, is…
Read MoreVoice and Vote: Updates on Legislation
Since 2020, a number of columnists and pundits have been saying democracy is under siege in the US. Perhaps it is, or maybe this generation is learning for itself the…
Read MoreWhy Consent Is Critical: HB 1079
What if Bobby Knight’s 1988 words to Connie Chung- “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it”- had been uttered in 2018? Would they have killed his…
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