
The Paper of Montgomery County

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The Paper of Montgomery County

Eating healthy for the holidays

Tis the season to be bombarded with healthy-living and food guilt, while at the same...
The Paper of Montgomery County

She asks me not to roost in just any room

Mary Ellen and I have a standing argument—literally, a standing argument. She claims that the...
The Paper of Montgomery County

Big Ten honors Boilermakers duo; coach earns HOF selection

Any sports fan who doesn't think the name on the front of the jersey matters,...
The Paper of Montgomery County

Some of C’ville’s best were Presbyterian Church leaders – this one, too

By Karen Zach Ten families centered in Rice’s Fort near Washington County, PA (near present...
The Paper of Montgomery County

Induction cooktops reduce bills, indoor pollution

The carbon monoxide detector screeched again. The monitor screen read above four hundred parts per...
The Paper of Montgomery County

Hammer on victims

Boy, this time of year sure can be tough on some of us. I feel...

VSO reports on efforts for Dec. 2021

Well hello everyone in Montgomery County. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I have...

Our county’s other Olympic Gold Medal winner . . . Howard Williams

By Butch Dale Last week I told you about Jim Dunbar, a Darlington graduate who...

A big, (but true) Holiday tail [sic]

The peacock takes flight from atop the car.Photos courtesy John Marlowe and JP (John’s peacock...

Ol’ Doodles was gone, and there was no denying that

By Slim Randles We almost believed we had a crime wave going on, which perplexed...