
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper

Well-Read Citizen Wrapped, With Eye on ‘25

Have a book you’re itching to talk about with others? If only others read this,...

Montgomery Medicine No. 787

Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer is a particularly concerning illness because it is often diagnosed at...

The Problem

Isn’t Guns; It’s People It’s been a week and the shock, the outrage are fading...

Butch’s Suggestions for the New Year…

As we celebrate the birth of Christ and enjoy the holidays with our friends and...

Familiar Refrain Could Mean Another Great Year for Favored Boilers

It’s a familiar refrain to Purdue basketball fans. “Purdue will be just another team without...
Columnist - Butch Dale

Post Election Thoughts & Pres. Regan

Well, it's finally over. I thought the 2024 election campaigns would never end. Perhaps you're...

Childcare, Where It’s Been, Where It’s Going

Gloria Riviera’s mom took a job to support the family while her husband worked on...


The recent election required a great deal of decision making. Of course, there are still...
Columnist - Tim Timmons

Revisiting an Old Friend – the Bubbling Caldron

About a hundred or so years ago – or so it seems – I created...

Montgomery Medicine No. 775

Dr. John Roberts The comedian W.C. Fields once said,  “I never drink water; that’s the...