
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper


Thinking About Democracy From Two Sides of Pond

EDITOR’S NOTE: This will be an unusual column. LWV member Maria Reynolds-Weir is writing in...

And You Can Tell ‘Em I Said So

Hi there, Pard. Yep, it’s me, Alphonse Wilson, the one they call Windy. But this...

Lessons From The Defeat Of Speaker Dailey

On Election Day 1986, Hoosier voters in House District 37 delivered an emphatic message to...

A Night of Make-Believe

Close your eyes. Wait a minute! What am I thinking? That won’t work. How are...

Butch Says Don’t Go With A Woman To Shop For Clothes

How are you feeling today, guys? Is everything going well for you? You say you...

Pink Eye; Cause, Treatment and Prevention

Now that schools are back in session, the incidence of “pink eye” will likely start...

Marta, Me And Piccolina

I was walking down an old street in an old part of San Miguel de...

How Much Is That Five Dollar Dog?

I went to a pool party last week.  I haven’t been in a bathing suit...

Kenny Talks Purdue Players With Extra Eligibility

Matt Painter likes to talk about wanting his Purdue basketball teams to get old and...

Goodbye, Barney

I lost my best friend this week. And my business partner. Barney was 12 (or...