
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper


Guess What Butch Won?

When I was a youngster growing up here in the Darlington community, the American Legion...

Himes Saga #2 – David

Although Daniel Himes lived to be a fairly good age into his early 80s and...

Country And Western Gets It Right

Never was a big fan of country music. When I was a little guy sitting...

Wine, Cheese And Women’s Equality Day

What do wine, cheese, and women’s equality have in common? A) Aug. 26, B) Democracy,...

Most Of The Time

Packing people into the back country doesn’t sound really exciting, I know. And if it...

The Reality Of TV

I’ve been dog-sitting. My brother and his family are on their way to Michigan for...

Butch Loved His 4th Grade Teacher !

When one of my granddaughters, who is in the 5th grade, finished her first week...

Rosacea And What You Should Know

The comedian W.C. Fields once said, “I never drink water; that is the stuff that...

Wishing Dad A Happy Birthday

My father would have turned 94 yesterday. He died 27 years ago, alone, in an...

2022 Nissan Frontier Pro-X Goes Farther Than Expected

Not every pickup truck must be four-wheel-drive. When I was growing up too long ago,...