
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper


The Perfect Pet

My mother has found the perfect pet. She just doesn’t realize it yet. A clever...

Ranking the Best Purdue Football Players for the Upcoming Season

Where has the summer gone? By the time some of you read this column, Big...

Base Behavior

Did you read the story about the father and son who attended a professional baseball...

Butch Says It’s OK To Be In Your “Own Little World”

Many times in the past, my wife has asked me a question or made a...

A Return To Fashion

All my life, I’ve found it hard to resist a good bargain. So the pandemic...

Dunbar Saga #12 – Brother And Sister, Daniel & Eliza”Bet”H

Daniel Dunbar was the 12th child, 9th son born to Lewis and Polly Powers Dunbar...

Morals, Standards Gone

I saw a commercial the other day for a product similar to Narcan – a...

Why You Should Talk To People You Don’t Know

I recently took Amtrak from Chicago to Portland, a 47-hour trip. Space in the dining...

Butch Wonders…What Happened to America?

Life used to be simple. There were MEN, and there were WOMEN. There were HEROES,...

Trash Talking Trash

When I was a kid, after dinner we cleared the table and scraped whatever was...