
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper

Teens Leading The Way

The Montgomery County 4-H program is proud of our teen leaders that are taking the...

Butch’s Friend Recalls “Life Back Then”…..

People are complaining now about inflation, the cost of things, and the quality of life...

Middle Ages. Part 2

Although some terrible viruses are around today, we’ve still got it better then folks who...

David: #9 as the Fruits Saga Continues

“Parents of at least eleven sons and five daughters” is the description on several family...

Transgender Question Still Up In Air

Less than a year ago I wrote about the controversy of transgendered people in sports....

Untold Stories Of Local Heroes

Do you remember being in school and lamenting that history is so boring? While we...

Best April Fool’s Joke We Ever Gonna Have

“Wait a minute … wait a minute … I got it!” said Steve, our tall...

Hot Flashes

Sometimes I get asked questions in unusual places. A few months ago at church I...

Routines Are Habit Forming

I was surprised to learn, Tuesday morning, that I was out of milk. I was...

High School Track…the Best and Worst of Times

Like many of you fellows who attended the little high schools in our county before...