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The Paper of Montgomery County

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Keep An Eye Out For Knights Of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus will be collecting donations on Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May...

Secretary Diego Morales Speaks At Anti-‘Woke’ Conference In Hungary

By: Leslie Bonilla Muniz Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales jetted to Hungary last week...

Slate Of Hate Has It All Wrong

How do you argue with . . . silly . . . illogical . ....

This Old House Needs An Affordable Update: Here’s How

 “One-third of the energy you pay for probably leaks through holes in your house. Air...

Profile of Jacob 2023

This is the final article in a series of profiles for the kids on the...

Can You Dig It?

Nicholson School Kids get to dig in the dirt! By Sheri Bethard, President Montgomery County...

Daily Almanac: May 10, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset: RISE: 6:31 a.m.SET: 8:48 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 75 °FLOW: 48 °F Today is…:...



Indiana Chamber Releases Top 12 List Of Most Impactful New Laws

The 2023 Indiana General Assembly session saw big policy wins for the state’s economic development...

Readers’ Choice 2023 Results

Insurance Agency/Agent Winner: Clore Insurance Runner Up: Farm Bureau/Terresa Hatke Honorable Mentions: Darrin Bechtel JM...