Butch’s Column

Read Insightful Articles From Butch Dale’s Column

Butch’s Childhood Keepsakes
I admit it...I am a saver. I hate to throw anything away. I was brought...

Butch Takes A Back Road Home
Every so often, when I leave work in the evening, instead of heading straight home,...

Butch Gets A New Phone In 1958 !!!!
Except for a few diehard holdouts, just about everyone has a cell phone today. Teenagers...

My Third Grade Teacher Was The Tops !!!!
I was very fortunate to have many outstanding teachers when I attended Darlington school, and...

Butch Teaches His Brother How To Ride A Bike…OOPS!
My brother Gary was born in 1952, four years after I came into this world,...

Childhood Memories Of Growing Up On A Farm
There are several of you readers who, just like me, grew up in rural...