
The Paper of Montgomery County

Meet the Dedicated Columnists of Our Paper


Bringing Me into the Fold

The one thing that you will not find in my underwear drawer is organization. There...
Columnist Slim Randles Smiling

Marvin Hasn’t Lost His Mind

It was just one of those things. It didn’t really mean Marvin Pincus had lost...

Biblical Scenarios Surrounding the Despot Putin

Are you losing sleep at night as Russian despot Vladimir Putin continues to rattle his...

The Job I Want

“Dress for the job you want!” was advice I heard from an early age. I...

2023 Solterra is the Electric Subaru for Subaru People

Photos courtesy of Subarua Subaru knows its people, who are among the most loyal to...
Look At Smiling Columnist John Roberts

Muscoskeletal Injuries and How to Take Care of Them

Summer sports will be beginning soon and gardening and other outdoor chores are well underway....

Protecting our Communities

Violent crime has been on the rise in our country over the past few years,...

A Fungus Amongus

It is spring time in Indiana and that can mean only one thing mushroom hunting...

Butch Says, “Oh, No…It’s Heart Attack Time”

(Photo courtesy of Butch Dale) Now, now, now...before you jump to conclusions...No, it wasn't me,...

Not Even Remotely Funny

You’re probably familiar with the newest TV remote control technology.  No longer do you have...