Frances Wooden Park: Another Reason To Love Calling Crawfordsville Home
With the election behind us, let’s take a cleansing community breath and celebrate Crawfordsville parks, especially the swanky update slated for Francis Wooden Park. After an anonymous donor infused new…
Read MoreThe Chaos Of Educational Scholarship Accounts
Let me begin with a nod to a network television show worth a watch. Abbott Elementary. In this season’s first episode, a young teacher sits in his classroom staring forlornly…
Read MoreWhat’s Latest On Housing Pinch Locally?
If you follow regional news, you may have read that nearly 1,1000 Indianapolis households faced eviction when their property owners failed to pay $1.9 million in water bills. In a…
Read MoreBamboo Or Bamboozled
Two weeks ago, two young men walked down a side street here in Crawfordsville, eyes cast to the ground, sweeping gazes and picking up bits of trash. They wore lanyards…
Read MoreFilm Prompts Questions About Entitlement, Contentment
“Who deserves the right to go down into the Grand Canyon?” “Isn’t everyone entitled?” “We are providing a solution to a need.” These were the pitches of developers to the…
Read MoreThinking About Democracy From Two Sides of Pond
EDITOR’S NOTE: This will be an unusual column. LWV member Maria Reynolds-Weir is writing in the first person to reflect upon what traveling this year has taught this writer about…
Read MoreWine, Cheese And Women’s Equality Day
What do wine, cheese, and women’s equality have in common? A) Aug. 26, B) Democracy, C) The League of Women Voters, or D) All the above. If you answered D,…
Read MoreBeing Part Of The Solution
The news this summer has been filled with signs of climate change: fires out west, flooding in St. Louis and Kentucky, heat waves across the US and Europe. One contribution…
Read MoreTo Aquarium Or Not To Aquarium
Last week members of the community gathered to watch Nausicaa, Staging the Oceans’ Biodiversity, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County and Wabash College. The film presents…
Read More“Clean Water Indiana” Promotes Conservation Practices
Every person in the world needs and wants clean water. Most of us think of this as a universal human right: without water every living creature dies. Here in Indiana,…
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