Karen’s Column

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Durham Saga #2 – Jeremiah Brisco
Jeremiah Brisco Durham popped into this world in Mercer County, Kentucky on 27 June 1806...

Ball Saga #6 – The Final Two – Salome And Sarah
Salome Ball was born April 21, 1821 in Butler, Ohio. Her future husband, Abram Heath,...

Ball Saga #6 – The Final Two – Salome And Sarah
KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Salome Ball was born April 21, 1821 in Butler, Ohio. Her...

Ball Saga #4 – Nathan and Isaiah
Nathan was born 30 Jan 1813 Butler, Ohio and passed away 21 April 1852. Not...

Ball Saga #3 – Meet Abigail
Meet Abigail Ball born 28 September 1812 and although she was not in a census...

Henry ? Along With Martha And Joanne
Okay, not saying there wasn’t a Henry as the first child of Dennis and Margaret...

Having A Ball Starting The Ball Saga
There are many by the name of Ball in our area that stems from this...

Bannon Saga Comes To An End
The next Bannon child of Michael and Nancy (Clark) is Michael C. who spent many...